Start - Header
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START – Youth Programme

Since 2009, START Vorarlberg has been supporting young people with a migrant background through a special scholarship programme to help them complete university entrance qualifications. Ölz der Meisterbäcker has been a sponsor of the Vorarlberg scholarship programme for young people with a migrant background since day one

We act sustainably

From our employees to the cooperation with our stakeholders and organisations – we accept our sustainable social responsibility out of love for our fellow humans.

Team Österreich - Header
Team Österreich Tafel Red Cross
Tischlein Deck Dich - Header
Diversität - Header
We embrace diversity
betr. Gesundheitsförderung
Health promotion at the workplace
Ölz Meisterbäcker Lehrlinge im Labor
Ölz Meisterbäcker Gesundheit-Arbeitssicherheit
Health and safety at the workplace
Award-winning family business
SPAR setzt Zeichen -Header
SPAR sets an example
Carinthia Children’s Cancer Support
Netz für Kinder - Header
"Netz für Kinder"
CARITAS - Header
Partnership with Caritas Österreich
Partnerschaftliche Beziehungen
Fair partnerships
PIA - Header
PIA – prevention, counselling and therapy in cases of sexual violence
SoMa - Header
SOMA – Sozialmärkte Österreich