Ölz Meisterbäcker Verantwortung für unseren Planeten
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Lights out! – WWF Earth Hour

We all carry responsibility for our planet. In order to actively counter climate change, we need a forward-looking policy that sets clear goals for energy supply and climate protection.

United for clear climate targets support for the WWF climate campaign

At Ölz der Meisterbäcker, we support the WWF campaign for clear and binding climate targets!
Electric lighting – a self-evident part of our everyday lives. This is also an area in which nature supports us and in return we should show respect and responsible behaviour.

Earth Hour Achstrasse
    • Ölz Meisterbäcker is actively involved in the WWF EARTH HOUR. 
    • We turn off the lights for 1 hour to set an example for climate protection.
    • The lights stay off in administration, dispatch, production and all Ölz der Meisterbäcker fresh food depots.

We act sustainably

We protect resources and embrace sustainability out of love for the environment. Our quality standards go hand in hand with innovative, green technologies. Our mission: impeccable product quality in harmony with nature.

Klima aktiv Pakt
klimaaktiv Pakt
Heat recovery
Lebensmittelverpackung - ein Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit
Food packaging
RSPO membership
100% Grünstrom
100% green electricity at Ölz
The packaging cycle