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Heat recovery

Heat recovery is becoming increasingly important as an intelligent and resource-saving solution for a world in which energy consumption is constantly rising and environmental concerns are gaining in urgency. In the spirit of sustainable responsibility, we therefore rely on heat recovery for two of our bakery lines.

What is behind the concept of heat recovery?


The sustainability project at Ölz der Meisterbäcker involves installing four smooth tube heat exchangers with an output of 30 kW each in the chimneys of the baking ovens used for the Ölz Toast and Ölz Sandwich lines.

The recovered heat is connected to the current heating network at the company and therefore used twice – first for baking and then as a source of energy for the company.

    • Implementing this measure has led to annual savings of around 245 tonnes of CO₂
    • This is equivalent to the gas consumption of 141 households.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). 
For more information about IWB/EFRE, visit www.efre.gv.at 

We act sustainably

We protect resources and embrace sustainability out of love for the environment. Our quality standards go hand in hand with innovative, green technologies. Our mission: impeccable product quality in harmony with nature.

RSPO membership
100% Grünstrom
100% green electricity at Ölz
The packaging cycle
Ölz Meisterbäcker Verantwortung für unseren Planeten
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klimaaktiv Pakt
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