Diversität - Header
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We embrace diversity

The importance we place on diversity can be seen in our vision:

“We believe that businesses with a mixed team of men and women, young and old, Austrians and non-Austrians make us more successful in the market. Ölz der Meisterbäcker believes in diversity”, says Bernhard Ölz, Managing Director and owner.

Integration award for Ölz – integration through joint learning

Ölz employees people from more than 40 different countries. For its project ‘German in the workplace - we understand!’, the family-run business Ölz was awarded the Vorarlberg Integration Award 2017 in the large company category.

This project provides help to production assistants for their linguistic integration. Organised in cooperation with the Götzis adult education centre and Capito, German courses are held in small groups during working hours to improve cohesion. A learning platform is also available that additionally provides company documents in easy to understand language. This platform comprises course contents with learning quizzes along with a constantly growing Ölz dictionary along with familiar images.

Ölz has also supported the START(Verein Start Stipendiaten Österreich) integration project for many years. 

  • START Youth Programme

We act sustainably

From our employees to the cooperation with our stakeholders and organisations – we accept our sustainable social responsibility out of love for our fellow humans.

betr. Gesundheitsförderung
Health promotion at the workplace
Ölz Meisterbäcker Lehrlinge im Labor
Ölz Meisterbäcker Gesundheit-Arbeitssicherheit
Health and safety at the workplace
Award-winning family business
SPAR setzt Zeichen -Header
SPAR sets an example
Carinthia Children’s Cancer Support
Netz für Kinder - Header
"Netz für Kinder"
CARITAS - Header
Partnership with Caritas Österreich
Partnerschaftliche Beziehungen
Fair partnerships
PIA - Header
PIA – prevention, counselling and therapy in cases of sexual violence
SoMa - Header
SOMA – Sozialmärkte Österreich
Start - Header
START Youth Programme
Team Österreich - Header
Team Österreich Tafel Red Cross
Tischlein Deck Dich - Header